
Rachael lives an isolated existence, haunted by an unspeakable past. But when a young boy upends her tightly controlled world, she’s forced to face her own demons. Hovering between her sparse apartment and a job at a local coffee shop, Rachael lives a sheltered life. She keeps her head down and people at a distance. She pops pills for a shoulder injury, loud noises unsettle her, and she’s haunted by flashbacks – of a child, a lover, and a fluorescent ceiling light. Until she meets 10-year-old Jack. He’s confident and sweet and orbits her in the hope of a new friendship. As the days pass, Rachael becomes increasingly torn between her past and her present. AMEND is a short film exploring PTSD and grief and ultimately asks the question of whether connection is the only way through.

Género: Drama

Emitir: Belinda Gosbee, Adan James Carrillo



Tiempo de ejecución: 18 minutos

Calidad: HD

Lanzamiento: 2023

imdb rating 7


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