Inside Animal Minds

From PBS - What is it like to be a dog, a shark or a bird? This question is now getting serious attention from scientists who study animal senses. Humans rely on smell, sight, taste, touch and sound; other animals have super-powered versions of these senses, and a few have extra senses we don't have at all. From a dog that seems to use smell to tell time to a dolphin that can "see" with its ears, discover how animals use their senses in ways we humans can barely imagine. But it's not just the senses that are remarkable -- it's the brains that process them. NOVA goes into the minds of animals to "see" the world in an entirely new way.

Género: Documental

Emitir: Lance Lewman

Tripulación: Matt Barrett (Director)


Tiempo de ejecución: 53 minutos

Calidad: HD

Lanzamiento: 2014

imdb rating 7


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