
The story takes place in the summer of the 90s, in a small town in the state of São Paulo, and has 3 main characters, such as Lucas, Sister Lucélia and Augusto. Lucas is a 20-year-old religious boy and part of a youth group at the church, he is also Sister Lucélia's right-hand man, who is the same age and recently became a nun. Lucélia is worried about the actions of her brother, Augusto, and asks him to return to the small town and to participate in the youth group with the intention of returning him to the ways of God. So, she tasks Lucas with helping him on this journey. However, Guto's arrival puts Lucas' life upside down, as he teaches his sister's darling a new meaning of love. This process is both liberating and confusing for Lucas, who now, for more than 20 years, has had to come clean about everything that happened that summer. Embark on this story full of turning points and remember, each character hides a secret.


Tiempo de ejecución: 17 minutos

Calidad: HD

Lanzamiento: 2021

imdb rating 7


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